Changing Provision for Pupils with Severe and Profound General Learning Disabilities in Ireland


  • Georgina Julian


Education Provision, SPGLD, General Learning Difficulties, Severe and Profound General Learning Disabilities, Teachers' Attitudes


The picture emerging from this study is that teachers working with children who have severe and profound general learning disabilities have a high level of personal satisfaction with their work. This indicates that they appear to be stimulated rather than demoralised by working with children whose progress is extremely slow. On the other hand, the conditions under which many teachers are expected to work are a major source of dissatisfaction and concern.


Ireland (1983). The education and training of severely and profoundly mentally handicapped children in Ireland. Dublin: The Stationery Office.

Ireland (1993). Report of the Special Education Review Committee. Dublin: The Stationery Office.

Ryan, M. (2000). Internal DES Report. Compiled by M. Ryan.

Ware, J., McGee, P., & Julian, G. (2000). Educational Provision for Pupils with Severe and Profound Learning Disabilities in the Irish Republic: Final Report on a Research Project funded by the Research and Development Committee of the Department of Education and Science.




How to Cite

Julian, G. (2002). Changing Provision for Pupils with Severe and Profound General Learning Disabilities in Ireland. REACH: Journal of Inclusive Education in Ireland, 16(1), 15–22. Retrieved from


