Structured Teaching for Pupils with Autistic Spectrum Disorders: Meaningful or Meaningless?


  • Marie Howley


Autism, ASD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Structured Teaching


Pupils with autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs) face many challenges in the classroom, including difficulties extracting and interpreting meaning. Structured Teaching is often recommended as a strategy for enhancing meaning for pupils with ASDs. However, frequently the approach is misused with rigid adherence to structure that may limit progression in key areas of learning. This paper reflects upon the key principles that underpin Structured Teaching. It is argued that teachers who understand and implement the principles of the approach are more likely to be successful in enhancing meaning in the classroom for pupils with ASDs.


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How to Cite

Howley, M. (2021). Structured Teaching for Pupils with Autistic Spectrum Disorders: Meaningful or Meaningless?. REACH: Journal of Inclusive Education in Ireland, 19(2), 94–101. Retrieved from


